3 October 2005

All female planet.

Has anyone seen that really creepy movie set in the future where there are no men? The whole planet is run by women, and babies are developed not born. But there’s no war or anything bad like that, coz women are just soo much smarter and less aggressive then men…
Well. Let me just say two words. What crap!
Okaaay… so maybe we aren’t as hopped up on aggression and territorial instincts as guys. And yeah, I’m pretty sure that a world run by women would be better then the one we have right now. Considering – lets face it, and not to be horrid and sexist or anything – men are just plain dumb half the time.
Women don’t have pissing contests. We definitely didn’t come up with the idea of trying to squeeze the other guys hand harder. Or road rage. And then there’s the fact that statistically, women usually account for only about 15% of all violent crime.

Still, better doesn’t mean perfect.
Women are dumb too. We get emotional, have cat fights, act bitchy, and nag! Not exactly conducive to absolute peace and harmony. What’s more, and all u guys don’t get swelled heads over this – but giving credit where credit is due, without guys, life would be just plain boring! Men are a constant source of entertainment.
On a grand scale; they came up with football! And basketball, rugby, American football, hocky, extreme sports, action movies… the list is ENDLESS! No women is nuts enough to have thought this stuff up. Although, once they were invented many are more then happy to play.
But, lets be absolutely frank. One of the ONLY reasons any of us is willing to watch, is if there’s some pulchritude involved. No way would I watch a complete rugby game if the guys weren’t so hot.
Which is just plain weird now that I think about it. Why do women find it interesting to see guys compete? So maybe these games are relatively more sophisticated ways of doing that then actually dukeing it out… but that’s all they really are! It’s all about who’s top dog. And we LOVE it!

I guess it all comes down to instincts. Men like to fight. And women like guys to prove they’re the toughest. But it’s a lot more complicated these days then it was for the average cave man.
Most of us hate it when guys do that obvious, male posturing thing. U know what I’m talking about…
Where they eye each other up, and try to make them selves look stronger, bigger, tougher. There voices get all deep. And they shake hands in that macho idiot manner, one pump, up and down, squeezing just as hard as they can... slaves to testosterone.
And it really ticks me off when guys do that stupid possession act they all seem to learn at birth. This women is mine! I Tarzan!! Me big ape!!!!
But I’d probably be just as ticked if he didn’t do anything at all! If I’m with a guy, even if he’s just a friend, I want to know I can depend on him to take care of me. Which doesn’t mean I actually want him to take care of me... but if I should need taking care of, he has to be capable of it.

Being able to handle yourself in a fight is important, but being able to avoid the fight entirely is a much more valuable ability. Making sure other guys realise she’s taken while still letting her know u respect her independence is a fine line to walk… guys don’t have an easy time of it. And yet they constantly try. It’s amusing.
we need guys around. they add balance and provide distractions. it would be impossible to have female friends if u didn't also have male ones. who would u turn to when u actually want a solution to a problem and not just sympathy? and guys make much better shoulders to cry on... women get tired of other women after a while...

There’s no doubt about it... A world with no guys may not be as violent, but it sure wouldn’t be much fun either.


Kay said...

Hah! What do you know about Road Rage or lack thereof? You refuse t drive... Let me tell you those bird potty guns would be bought by women too!

Elle said...

ha ha... not being stupid enough to actually want to battle it out on these roads doesn't mean that i dont know about road rage. and let me remind u... i didn't say women don't experience road rage. just that a guy thought it up. also, this is ME. i'm the chick who get perverse joy out of running over every single little old lady that i meet in road rash. Ahhh what a game that is :D
so why dont u go and post something in ur own blog, and give me something to read, instead of making ill conceived comments on mine.

Anjali said...

Wasn't that based off of some short story by Ursula K. Le Guin? That sounds so familiar...

But yeah, I definitely agree. The world wouldn't be any fun if it only consisted of women. Girls tend to drive each other insane after a while when guys aren't around (and unfortunately I've seen that first hand, too)

Elle said...

lol, yeah... one major reason to always go to co-ed schools! :)