7 January 2006

I’m BAAAACK!!!!!!!!

Hi people! Yes, yes… I know. Sorry for the whole dead blog thing. Explanations are necessary I assume? Well… actually things have just been madly rushed.
Exams got over… then I had a few days off… but sooo much to do in them… after which I pushed off for Hyd, then Goa. (wheeeee! Not – but more on that later.)
Got back to Hyd on the 3rd… and was back home on the 5th. Which was yesterday… well… actually, day before, since strictly speaking today is already the 7th.
Oh! Almost forgot…
May it b a great one for all of u. I certainly hope it is for me…
This semester is my final one… bit scary really. Now that I think about it properly I have a lil over 4 months to make up my mind about what I want to do with my life. Not exactly a happy thought. MONUMENTAL decisions must be made. Joy. Ack…
Mo-nu-mental problems is more like it… hehe… ok. Sorry, that was really bad. I know… but forgive me in my moment of weakness…
Also, one must blame any signs of insanity on the late hour.
It’s 4a.m. I was running a fever off and on all day…. WHAT THE HECK am I doin awake??!
Now that is a question I do not have an answer to… along with many others.
For example, why is ‘fruit’ spelt like that? It makes absolutely no sense! If u read that out phonetically… hehe… that’s one funny sounding word. Fruit should be spelt froot. Now THAT would make sense.
As would going to bed… which is what I think I shall do. So gnite folks. Goa and other fun topics at a later date… TA!


Rahul Gonsalves said...

Froot, huh?

Froody, babe, froody.

Anjali said...

Except froot looks like foot, and that's not a good name for something you want to eat... (come to think of it food looks kind of like foot as well, though, so maybe not)