If this weather keeps up, I’ll be well on my way to getting fat! What people say about fast food chains is soo true! Ok… that wasn’t as random a leap as it might have sounded. Although maybe it didn’t sound as random as I thought it did.
Well whatever.
Back to the point (and my apologies for the side trip into scattyness), every afternoon for the last month or so I’ve started to crave ice cream. Must be a combination of the weather and my general weakness where all things chocolate are concerned.
And the enabler in this sudden obsession? Well… the great golden arches have moved in next door. They opened sometimes late last year, but it was pretty cold then, and since I really can’t stand anything but the fries when it comes to eating there, it wasn’t such a big deal.
Till now.
Because, I LOVE, love, love, love the McSwirl. And there’s nothing better then yummy ice cream in a lovely thick layer of solid chocolate on a hot afternoon.
Sadly I cannot find a picture... to help make you crave one too! :) So let me just assure you... its Yummy! And kind of like magic... into the sauce goes the ice cream (how does it not melt???) out it comes again... and then bam! Choco-sauce to crunchy-munchy chocolate, right before your eyes.
And dang… coz now I want one.
But I shall resist… which is very hard to do! And takes me back to the first few lines of this post…
Have you tried the fresh chocolate donuts at Sigma mall? (speaking of chocolatey goodness) There's a little stall that sells them in the movie theatre area. Soooo amazingly good - they make them right in front of you, so they're hot and the chocolate's all melty... it's a very good thing I don't live near there.
ooh! no! not tried those... we should go for a movie or something and go eat donuts! or we could just go for the donuts...
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