4 February 2009

Step Aside Murphy

Everyone knows how Murphy's Law works.

You'll be totally jobless at work the entire week, and you have absolutely nothing better to do, since your social life is resembling the Sahara... and that's ok, if a little boring…


The one day that you want to leave early? Well, that's the day when you're totally jobless till 5pm, and then all of a sudden, like magic, you're overloaded with work. And before you know it its 8 O'clock and all your friends are going "where the heck ARE you!!? This DJ is so awesome!" or "Happy Hour ends in 5 minutes!" or whatever it was you were planning to do.

But Murphy hasn't got a thing on Karma.

One of my friends suffers from a terrible case of instant karma. She just Can Not lie and call in sick at work.

It never fails.

If she says she has the flu and can’t go in one day, she’ll be running a fever by that evening.

She tried to be smart about it yesterday and called in and told her boss that she had food poisoning, because hey, who can get food poisoning out of the blue and with no warning?

Well apparently she can.

I’ve always thought that Karma would make a pretty cool superhero.

Think about it, karma is essentially justice. Or to quote wiki “Karma is the law of moral causation” I’ve always held more of a belief in the theosophical idea of Karma, which is essentially a theory of inevitable consequence.

So a Karma superhero just makes sense.

Bad guys rob a bank, but as they speed off in their getaway car, Karma pops out of nowhere. And BAM! Next thing you know the getaway car is upside-down in a ring of extremely confused looking cops.

Sorry Boys!

Yes, yes, I do know he looks like superman. What did you expect me to do? Draw him!?

But forget about that… don’t you think it’s a good idea?

Oh, btw… if anyone from DC or Marvel happens to read this… it’s MY concept! I know you’re hurting for ideas right now (don’t try to deny it… I’ve seen the new batgirl comics!), but I still will sue.