23 March 2006

Woo Hoo Hoo!!

*Jumping up and down – Tigger style*
I got my grades for the Ad film. All Ds! Oh, for those of you with different grading systems… D = Distinction. Yay me! :)
Our teacher told Paro and me that all the judges gave us Ds throughout! That means, for concept, creation, presentation, and everything else! And ‘all’ judges? That was a total of 6 people! Hehehehehehe
And I respect at least 3 of those people’s opinions. So, as you can imagine, I’m pretty happy.

Still no word back from WorldSpace though. So today I called Hari, one of the guys who first got in touch with me. He said things have been crazy at work, and he’ll talk to the other guys tomorrow and get back to me. I told him I really need to know, coz if they (or I) am not interested, I need to start looking for another job. We have to have internships by April. And I’d like to get a jump-start.

That’s about all that’s going on for now. No college, although we are supposed to have class this Friday. To go over our plans for the fiction film we still have to create. Paro and I both have ideas. Which I think are good. ;)
But Sam hasn’t even been showing up for class. So god alone knows what’s been going on with him. Kinda hope he doesn’t show. Things always get mucked up when we try to work together. Anyway, by Friday I have to write out the script for my story idea. Guess I should do that tomorrow. Not like I have anything better to do with my time anyways…

1 comment:

Rahul Gonsalves said...

Yay! You're back :-).

And traditional late-night posting continues, it seemeth.

Congratulations, again, on your D's ;-).