17 October 2006

Argh! Argh! Argh! Argh!

*jumping up and down in frustration*
I don’t know what’s wrong with me… I’ve got a weird version of writers block! Just cant seem to get the words out. Or rather… I’m STUCK!
Ok… sigh… let me explain. I have an article to write for work. Silly thing about Robbie Williams… but, for some unknown reason, I just cant get a handle on it! WHY!??
Gah… so my brief is basically, 700 words on Robbie. Make it current, make it snappy, use a lot of quotes, give the article a “Robbie” flavour. It should sound a bit like him. But… what is that exactly? I DON’T KNOW! I mean, sure, I do like some of Robbie’s stuff… and I guess I got to include info on Rudebox, since that’s the most current thing. But it cant be biographical! And I guess I’ve just gotten so used to writing these research papers for college, I don’t know what I’m doing here. Also, I think I’m suffering from a healthy, or un-healthy actually, since its stopping me form being able to write my article, which is producing a LOT of stress, amount of fear. Why? Well… I’m really scared I’m going to write crap, and they’re going to hate it. Which sucks. Coz now I cant write ANYTHING! Better to have bad work that can be fixed, then no work at all!
Which is why the frustration and jumping up and down.
Siiiiiigh… ok… now I’m going to take another shot at it. So ta-rah…

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