9 December 2008

"please install your witty title here"

coz I'm too lazy to do it.
its 12:43am... I'm doing some of tomorrows work so my Tuesday this week wont be as horrific as it was last week (9pm still at work! not unusual for some... but seriously. i am NOT that much of a workaholic!)
u might wonder "why, if she claims to be working, is Elle typing in her blog." uh duh! coz I'm bored with my work! like obvious much!!

lol... ok ok... I'll quit it with the bimbo talk... but yes... I'm bored. and yes, i do know that you're tired of hearing that. so someone! give me a constructive solution please (and by that i do not mean telling me to shut the heck up - you could try that... but i cant say you'll get the type of reaction you were hoping for.)

Anyway... seriously, someone tell me what to do with my life... coz I'm really beginning to have some doubts about whether or not I'm qualified to be making any decisions pertaining to it...

sigh. don't worry, its probably just that it being past my bedtime is giving me the gloomies.
Maybe i better stop spreading the love and get back to work so i actually get done and go to sleep soon.

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