22 April 2009

And adding to my idea that my life is pointless

No One reads this blog.
as in... I have actually not even gotten one hit since forever! at least a month or so.
which really makes me wonder why I'm even bothering to write this.
I could of course claim that I do this for self expression (cough*as if*cough), but even I don't believe that!
well anyway...

If anyone does read this in the next few, let me ask you... do you read Foxtrot?
Because its hilarious and you should... one of my greatest sorrows is that Bill Amend only writes Sunday strips now.
But at least there's a whole bunch of fun stuff still going on here and we still have Pearls (YAY!)... which sadly does not have its own website, but can be read here.

But back to Foxtrot...
Did you crack the math code and work the Apr 19 strip out?
Because I did.
Which proves to me that I really shouldn't have failed math!
Or at least that I'm better at it then Paige.

1 comment:

Anjali said...

I read this blog! Just... evidently rather sporadically, since you don't update often.

I used to love Foxtrot. I remember I used to save the bit of the comics page of the newspaper where it was published till last. I don't think I've read it regularly in about a decade, though.