9 April 2009

“Do Not Forget Me Till Your Blood Is Red”

I swear I saw that written on the back of an auto last night on my way home from work… I have no CLUE what he was trying to say… but man… I can’t help but wonder… is he talking to his uptown girl? Is this some blue blooded reference? Or was that meant to be “Till your blood spills red upon the ground” which is a possibility… but frankly, kinda horrible.

Maybe I just shouldn't try to analyse it, auto sayings hardly EVER make sense…. For example, I’ve seen signs like “Trust A Sanke But Not A Gril” and “Lose Weight! Ask For Free Sample” and my personal favorite “Born To Bead” (I think they missed a gap and a B there)…

The problem is that it’s almost impossible to get pictures of these. Because even though traffic is always horrible, I will invariably be just a little too far away to take a cam phone pic. And if I DO get a pic (and in fact I do have one of the “Born To Bead” auto) its almost impossible to tell what it actually says!

But I shall keep trying!
Who knows… there may come a time when I’ll have just the right balance of funny, distance and lighting...

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