3 August 2005

home again, home again

Got home Monday… which was two days ago now. Still feel weird. There’s the usual weirdness of settling back into routine, but there’s an extra weirdness coz I have nothing to do. Which is making me very bored! Seriously… I’ve gotten so used to being almost constantly busy. Or at least constantly having company… and if there wasn’t someone around I watched TV or some such.
But here. I don’t have a schedule yet! That’s what’s bugging me. I don’t know exactly what I should be doing at all times. And so the free time is getting to me… this actually usually happens when u have an extended holiday. But that’s the thing! I’ve only had a couple of days off and I’m already bored.
So I guess tomorrow I shall settle down and figure out how to spend my time for the next two weeks… till college opens.
I’m dreading the college thing a little. I think our timings are going to be seriously messed up! At least, our first day seems pretty weird. College at 11. who has college at 11!? Even on the first day! It’s just too weird. If that’s actually our timing, that means college will end at 5! Crazy rush hour traffic every day! Not a happy thought. I hope this isn’t the case… but I’m not holding my breath.
There’s also the little matter of having no faculty. I wonder if they’ve found someone yet. They better have. That damn BS (our new princi… his name is Brahm Sharma. The abbreviation is my mom’s idea… he he) isn’t screwing up my last year!
Okie…. On the happier side. Job went pretty well. I think Vijay uncle was quite happy with the way things turned out. Which is good. I was a little worried (as u all know) but I made a tiny little film. And they are planning to use it. So I got paid! Yay!!! Only 3500. but that’s not too bad for a months work. And as only an intern!!!! We’re meant to be free labour after all… anyway. I’m definitely not complaining. :D
Oh… that reminds me! I’m supposed to be putting the Sri Lanka pics up here right? Hmmm… guess I’ll have to get Apsi to mail them to me. Only have hard copies.
Also, apparently my class co-ordinator has got a couple of job offers for me! :D stuff I can do while still in college. All animation stuff!!! Yippee! And I’m also probably going to be taking piano classes for a few kids. All small babies… so I really hope I don’t completely suck at it. Which is likely… haven’t really played the piano in over a year! So bad of me… anyway. As my mom pointed out. This will be a good way to get a little cash on the side while keeping in touch with the piano myself. And considering the usual fee is 500 bucks a month for an hour a week… it seems like a pretty good idea to me. have to get back in practice first though… also I really have to see how college goes. If my timing are too weird it may not be possible. Which I have already told the people who have asked. Which is only two kids so far… not too much of a problem I should think…
Lets see… he he… sounds like these next few weeks are actually going to be quite hectic and fun! I love being busy… but only if I also get the required amount of free time and sleep of course :)
Speeking of sleep… I should probably go to bed now. So gnite!!!

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