30 May 2005

I'm so tired, i don't know what to do

Oooh my aching back! It’s only just past 9 O’clock, relatively early in the evening… and I have a shitload of work to finish. Damn. Wish I could just forget about it and go to bed. That’s one of the many reasons why I hate this weather - Cold and rainy- I always feel foul!

On to better and brighter things… wait. There aren’t any! He he he… ok, now I feel better. A lil ranting and sarcasm goes a long way.

So today – not as awefull as one would expect a Monday to be. Paro was sick, so I went to her pg to work. Got a short (half hour only!) nap.. and then went in to coll at about 3 to show ma’am our AMCO AV, VO, which we have basically finished. Just some tweaking required, which we will do in class tmrw.

We also gotta figure out what we’re going to be doing for our exams this year. Ma’am says that it’s all pretty simple except mayb this one really tough technical paper we’ll be getting on Premier. But I don’t think that’ll be too hard. He he… I hope. I think We’ll be prepared. What I’m stressing about a lil is what comes after that.

I am soo worried about my internship! What if I find out that I actually have no aptitude for this field (although I seriously doubt THAT will happen) or something equally horrific!! I know that it’s just irrational fear. Something akin to stage fright I guess… but still, there is a small possibility that it could all go terribly wrong. Isn’t there?

Sniff… I think I’m coming down with something. Darn it… better not get ill till after we’ve finished all our shooting and stuff though. It’ll b a real pain in the ass to be sick while shooting. And there’s no way in heck I could bunk! So better not get sick at all! Start of on hot tea and ferr phose RIGHT NOW!!!! He he he… madness.

I think I better push of now and actually do some of that work. Which will make it possible for me to be in bed before 3 am… always a good thing.

Arrivederci all…

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