27 May 2005


there are some definite disadvantages multitasking... remind me to never cut my nail while doing 24 other things... ouch! he he...

had a pretty good day all things considered… we didn’t actually have college. Which was a good thing coz I was sooo sleepy!! Which was weird, since I went to sleep really early last night, by about 1 I think… hmmm…. Mayb I’m getting old… not a good thought…

Anyway. I got to college at 10 and then found out that we weren’t going to have class, and since I knew that we didn’t have any power at home (they were hooking up the generator. All done now… No more power cuts!! Wheee!… he he he) so I went to paro’s pg instead. We spent the whole day doing nothing! Read a few comic books, ate and slept. Wish everyday could b that jobless… wow! Can u imagine how BORING that would get!! And in a very lil while too… oh well, be careful what u wish for I guess…

it constantly amazes me how paro can b perfectly good company one minute and then the whiniest most irritating bore the next... hmmm, better remember not to tell her about this blog... he he he... some people have really major issues and aught to go get them sorted out before they foist themselves on an unsuspecting public... have u ever noticed that people who say things like 'I know I bug u, and I'm sorry!' never actually do anything to try and stop bugging you? well, I have... it's weird...

I think I'm beginning to use the word 'weird' an awful lot recently... that is either becoz my life has just gotten totally crazy and strange, or I'm way to lazy to find a new word to describe what I'm thinking... ummm... how bout bizarre? odd? peculiar? perfectly appropriate and useful words in their own right...

hmmm… the internet keeps cutting out… glad I’m writing this out on word, but it’s still bugging coz I’m trying to some research work… aurgh!! Guess not everyone is inured to power cuts. Stupid internet guy, haven’t u heard of a generator!!?

U know what? I’m supposed to be working. Mayb I should go do that huh? Mayb……………. I think I’ll go get some coffee and a bowl of chocos first. Y would anyone want to spoil chocos with milk? They are wonderful snack just the way they are! And so high in sugar content too!!! The perfect thing to help a person stay awake late into the night. Of course, the way I’m going to feel tmrw – what with all the caffeine and sugar zipping around my system, could explain y more ppl don’t do it. But I’m a big girl, I can handle a lil excess energy. No problem

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