6 September 2005

everything is wonderful now

He he... love this song.

I just made a new play list of all the songs that make me feel happy. Quite a long list actually. Isn't it strange how each of us associate specific songs with certain emotions or feelings? Sometimes they can even bring up memories long buried.

Actually that's not really all that weird. After all the same thing happens with smells! For example the smell of freshly baked, or baking bread will always remind me of the school kitchen, and the cosy feeling it had. So, no wonder sounds have as powerful an effect.

What really stumps me though, is the fact that it doesn't always make sense, what I mean is, the song could be about something else entirely, but we remember it in a certain way and that's what we react to. Maybe it the circumstances of when we first heard the song, or whatever. But the emotions created at that time stick, and that's how we will always react to that song. Unless of course, one day you hear the song at the same time as something even more powerful then the first memory is going on. Then maybe the feeling for that song, and the memories it elicits, changes.

Not at all sure I’m putting this across clearly. So lets see if I can come up with an example... ok, the other day I was watching 'Rock Star INXS' and one the contestants sang this Bonnie Raitt song, ‘I Can’t Make You Love Me’. anyway, I don’t even remember ever having heard this song before. But I really liked it, and I had this really clear memory of a room, and this lovely safe feeling.

No clue how it popped up. And I had absolutely no recollection of where that room was! So later, I was listening to the song on the comp and my sis walks in and I told her about the memory that came with it. She started laughing and told me I was remembering the living room of some friends of my parents. Apparently we used to go there for parties when we were tiny, and they usually played this song. I must have been about four…

I don’t even remember those people anymore. But that song produced such a strong image that I could describe that room a good 17 years later. Weird huh? And then there are songs like Eric Clapton’s ‘Wonderful tonight’, I don’t think there will ever be a time when I listen to this song and don’t think about my parents dancing.
But that's what songs are about, they're ment to make u feel.


Anjali said...

heh. I don't think that's weird at all. That's one thing I love about music, how it can capture a memory so much better than you can even do consciously sometimes... Then the trouble comes when you rediscover a song you used to love and listen to it too much and it starts having new associations.

Mixd's Mess said...

hey L!
three days ago i was thinking the very same thought.

about songs and feeling and stuff.
cool huh?
