12 September 2005

The general suckyness of all things even remotely similar to life

The title should give u a clue of my current mood. Feel free to skim or just skip the following. Not like the post will be worth reading anyway…

I hate college. I want to quit. We’re doin useless boring stuff that doesn’t seem to be in the least bit connected to our syllabus. And it’s time consuming and bleh.
I just know we’re going to suffer when exam time comes around. We usually have a hard time completing our portions when we have the whole four months to do it in. and we’ve already wasted over a month. I’m sick of my classmates. I’m especially sick of parvathi. And I dislike the faculty. He doesn’t know squat. What’s worse, he cant make up his mind. I HATE HIM!!! he keeps giving us these daft, and pointless assignments and he’s NEVER clear about what exactly he wants from us. AURGH!!!
And my teeth hurt.
Why do we need wisdom teeth. My head is aching, and so is my jaw. And neck. I’m tired. But it hurts. So I cant sleep. Also I have one more damn assignment to do.
Two actually. A stupid script thing, and a slide show. The pictures I will have to take tmrw… but I don’t really even have a story idea yet. I miss having sane faculty to take problems too. Is the world conspiring against me? I’m beginning to feel like I have cause to be paranoid.

Misery does not need company, but everyone else I know seems to be having as sucky a time right now. Poor us…

1 comment:

Rahul Gonsalves said...

Poor baby.

Here, this should help. If you've got any John Williams soundtracks, it adds to the atmosphere if you play them while watching this.


Also, it should be an eye-opener as to how advancements in technology aren't the only things that are important in animation.