7 June 2005


y does no one comment on my posts? i know they're not really intellectual or anything... but aren't they amusing?
:( woe is me!
heh heh... sorry. was that overdoing it a lil? good gilt trip going till then tho right?
but seriously. happy to get comments. anytime. just dont criticize me or i may have to hunt u down and kill u. kidding. or am I!!!? tweedle deedle tweedle deedle... ha ha... sorry sorry. i REALLY need sleep. gnite all.
should i post this? hmmm...
well... y not?

P.S. what do u think of the colour? ghastly nah? It's so pink barbi would wear it! ha ha! and i can only IMAGINE how it clashes with the rest of the blog... mayb i'll write in this from now on.... hmmmm...


Rahul Gonsalves said...

Like this? I talk to you so much, that I usually don't have much more to say. And so I don't have anything to say! I must ask you though, to never use the pink that you've used. ;),


Rahul Gonsalves said...

Though I must say, that this I also felt this way. Nobody seems to read this, and since it is written for the world, it feels like I'm talking into damn empty space if nobody comments...


Anjali said...

Sorry! I can never think of anything terribly relevant to say. Commenting now!

And once more I don't have anything in particular to say...

hmm. That pink is slightly disturbing.

Anjali said...

And that was Anjali, by the way... It wasn't letting me put my name.