3 June 2005

Indulging in my self defeat

He he… that’s actually completely untrue… but I like that line. It’s a quote from Len – Steal my sunshine. Which is an annoying yet amusing and catchy song.

We haven’t had any internet for a while again. Which was a lil more bugging bcoz I’ve been stuck at home, sick, with nothing to do. Would’ve been good to have something to play around with. Got bored of reading after a while… u know how it is… and there wasn’t any tv either, for most of the day – cable guy didn’t have any power again I guess. what made it worse tho was that I cant even talk… well, actually my throat has improved over the course of the day, so I can talk in a whisper now… but it kinda added insult to injury.

I hate loosing my voice. It’s so damn frustrating. I’m a lil too opinionated to just be able to sit idly by while ppl have a conversation. Not that I’m exactly the noisy type under most circumstances – not compared to my family anyway : ) he he he… they r all a heck of a lot louder then me. And I pretty much have to be really insistent or shout to get my point across. So not being able to speak really gets on my nerves.

The only good thing about it all, is that I got a respite from college for two whole days!! What’s more, we don’t have class tmrw either, and of course Sunday is always a holiday… and even if I have been bored stuck here with nothing much to do, it’s better then being in college. Coll has been real hectic recently… exams in a few weeks and we still have a bit of stuff to finish b4 that. Not been getting much sleep really… what with all the work. Actually I guess it was pretty inevitable I would get sick. Do tend to crash and burn unless I get at least 30 –35 hrs of sleep in a week. And that isn’t really all that much considering that 8x7=56! Which is the amount of sleep ppl r supposed to get. And of course there is the weather to consider. Standard blr monsoon, hot as hell one sec and then rainy and freezing the very next. I got wet too… hmmm… card stacked up a bit against me huh?

He he he… well, I think it’s just a throat infection and I’ll be fine in a few. By tmrw latest actually!! Pays to b optimistic occasionally… bed time now… had nice Chinese soup. There is nothing like chicken broth to make u feel better. And wanton noodle soup is one of it’s best forms : ) gnite

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