18 June 2005

Cant concentrate!

Actually, I hardly went back to my work at all…
There’s this whole bunch of songs running round and round my head… and I guess I’ve just had it up to here *holds hand over head* with trying to study…
My newest favourite song is ‘You’re Beautiful’ by James Blunt. Brilliant song. This guy is pretty cool actually… I also have 3 Doors Down’s ‘Here Without You’ and ‘Breathe’ by Erasure coming in to relieve the monotony one in a while. Although since it’s been these same 3 songs for the last 12 hours or so, it’s not THAT much of a relief.
But the worst song to have stuck in you’re head in my opinion is the new BEP track ‘Don’t Phunk With My Heart’ it’s REALLY annoying! My mom thinks it sounds like a Hindi film song… and I must admit that I agree. It does seem to be influenced by the afore mentioned genre. But it was lodged so firmly in my cranium a while ago that I finally broke down and downloaded it today. So now I can at least listen to it and get it out of my head whenever I want… always a good thing.
through extencive researsh I’ve found that the best method to get a song out of you’re head is to listen to it… preferably in such a way that it gets stuck in someone else's (heh heh). Really! This works! I have NEVER had the same song stuck in my head that K has (well nearly never). And invariably if I listen to it or sing it enough it gets stuck in hers… and then ‘snap’ it’s out of my head!!! Of course this usually results in her being pretty mad at me… heheheh… but that’s ok. Bcoz she does the same thing to me just as often…
DAMN! I just smacked a mosquito 3 times ( yes thrice!) and the bloody thing (no pun intended – I do NOT joke about mosquitoes!) didn’t die! Instead it flew of… snickering loudly to itself no doubt… I hate those nasty blood sucking hell spawned creatures! Did u know that they can survive almost anywhere?! Even extremes in temperature don’t really bother them…except of course that temperature effect there breeding habitat. They cant survive if there isn’t any stagnant water. So if it’s too hot – all water evaporates before they can breed, or too cold – all water freezes over before they can complete their breeding cycle… then no mosquitoes…
the thing is… I don’t even see what possible useful function they have! Why do mosquitoes exist? They’re just awful lil things that fly around spreading diseases and irritating all other living creatures… it would be no loss if they all suddenly vanished.
Ooh… on a totally different topic. Star World has started showing Buffy re-runs!! Yay! : ) everyday at 5. it’s already up to season two… such fun!! But I think season 3 will start while I’m in Hyderabad. Which wont be good, coz that’s the season I missed most of and I wont be able to watch while I’m there… sigh.
Well I guess I could always borrow the DVDs from A… but the bad thing about that is that there wont be anything to stop me from watching the whole season at one shot! Seriously. I’m capable of doing that… heheh… madness.
Ok. It is now 5. and I think I should get of the comp. Mayb go lie down for a while… not sleep, coz I probably wont wake up till 12 then. And I have to be in coll at 10:30!
Yuck… college on a Saturday. Good form of torture in my opinion… actually I’m only going to pick up my invitation to the seniors graduation. Which is tonight. And also to just do a double check with paro on the stuff we are supposed to know for Monday. Oh, yeah, I have to go for the graduation ceremony bcoz apparently I’m getting the award for Overall Performance this year. I think that’s so bogus. Our college is so small. And I don’t think u can make a judgment about who's the best student through the classes coz our courses are so different. Yeah, so mayb I got the most Ms and Ds and I didn’t get any Ps. But that has a lot to do with our course. And also I think that quite often I get really good grades coz in comparison to my class I’m brilliant. But how much does that actually mean!? After all my ‘competition’ is Parvati and Samir… she u all know (from my earlier rants.. hehe) and he… well, he just doesn’t show most of the time.
College is more of a ‘timepass’ for him. he’s this Nepali guy, from an important and well-to-do family. And he admits to being a career student… not in those words of course, he doesn’t know that much English.
Actually, what ticks me of about him is that he’s talented! If he worked he would b really good. Definitely better then I could ever be in my opinion. I have to think about a shot before I take it. He has the instinct, the ‘eye’ for the perfect shot. I would kill for that. And he has it. And wastes it. Unforgivable in my opinion.
My mom used to say that about me playing the piano. But you know, I may have talent, but it’s not spectacular. I can name at least 5 kids I know who are MUCH more talented then I ever was. And they love it. So let them play… I never had the ‘heart’ for it. U have to love art to be really good at it. But samir… he does have the heart…. He just doesn’t want to work at it. And u need to have that too to be great. In my opinion ‘genius’ is a combination of talent, love, hard work and guts. No guts no glory u know…
Wow… this is a really long post! I thought it would be this tiny short entry. Just enough to let me finish a few songs that I wanted to listen to and then off to bed for me. but the rant kinda took over I guess : ) he he… oh well. I actually suspect that hardly anyone is reading this… only A and Ra and mayb K once in the while… so no ones going to get bored stiff.
I love to write these though… writing is sooo much fun. And it’s always good to keep in practice... tee hee.
Ok Blvd. Of Broken Dreams is playing… once that’s done this comp goes of. for sure… so bu-bye


Kay said...

Oi! EVERYONE important reads your bloggy thingy! I mean this is a diary that, after 7 years of sneaking around, I can officially read! Catch me missing an Exciting Installment.... ;)

Elle said...

ha! none of the juicy stuff is in here woman! what do u think i am? all the good bits are in ink on paper... and u aint NEVER getting ur hands on them!!! muhahahahahahaha :) nonsense child. y would u be interested in reading about my life? diaries are boring things maintained for the amusement of the author. seriously. i go back and read the old one just to c how funny and immature i was when i filled it in. but occasionally i do get surprised by my writing skills. i have always kept a diary in teh spirit of having something to laugh over with my kids... somewhere FAR in the future. ;) heh heh...
oh. anyone botherin to read this. u all know i cant spell... and i dont feel like checkin this. so excuse the awful mistakes (and get a laugh out of them too - i dont mind. and it's not like a could stop u anyway :)he he)