1 June 2005


Well.... that about explains everything!!!

he he he... now, lets talk about something else. I have often noticed the less u think about an illness, the quicker u get well... that's not to say u shouldn't take appropriate care. just don't keep feeling sorry for urself is all... and pretty soon ur all well again :)

the last few days have been quite boring and amusing at the time... which is a weird oxymoron, now that i come to think about it.... hmmmm... but none the less, in this case both things were true.
yesterday we did nothing in class, but we did find out what our exam papers are probably going to be like. sounds like they're going to be pretty hard, all technical and stuff, but apparently we should be in good shape to answer them. at least, ma'am thinks we're prepared... but then I'm not really so sure if she knows what exactly we have learnt this year.
she really isn't all that clued in about what is involved in animation or most kinds of film making really. but she does know how to source us excellent faculty who do have a clue... so i guess it all evens out in the end :) he he he...
lets just hope they aren't to hard. altho even if they are pretty scary I highly doubt I'll fail... but then, that dratted Pradeep Sabastian is going to be correcting our film studies papers... eesh... now that is scary. for me anyways... hmmmm enough stressing. don't need to worry bout that for a few more days at least!! :D

we had the most amazing rain here yesterday evening! it rained so hard that traffic all over the city came to an absolute standstill! not many trees fell tho, probably due to the fact that most of the weak ones already came down last week. I hope those were as many as are going to fall. over 150 trees is no joke... i don't think the 'garden city' can afford to loose any more of it's tree cover...

anyway. there was this MASIVE puddle right in front of lavi's house. so when i went over there i had to wade through it. it was the funniest thing! there i was, with a big umbrella (luckily wearing shorts - coz pants would've gotten absolutely sopping wet), sloshing through calf deep water. and all the while lavi was standing on the balcony shouting down to me 'swim for it lavi girl!! swim for it!' ('lavi' here, being me, not her - we share a name) he he he... but mayb u had to be there to grasp the hilarity of the situation.

and today we - my class, that is - went to do our out door shoot in Lal Bagh. I think it came out crap. well, lets be a lil optimistic here and pretend I didn't say that... and while we're deluding ourselves lets also assume that we got some FANTASTIC footage, while will be invaluable to our respective portfolios... he he he...

okie... it is now time for me to go scrounge up some dinner. well, since my throat is pretty soar I don't actually know what I can eat... but I'm hungry. so lets go check the situation out huh? bu-bye for now

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